English: admin, pics: THSPM club

In order to equip high school students and university students the skills to update, acquire and apply technological knowledge in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. On the morning of November 29, 2020 at Rua Hall - Can Tho University, The Dariu Foundation collaborated with representatives of the Future Programming project with Google in Vietnam and a number of other organizations to launch the seminar with the seminar : "Carrying digital skills and the future of employment". The seminar had the participation of more than 1000 students, students and delegates from the Teacher Practice high school, students of the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, students of the Faculty of Education, and fellow organizations. events, leaders of Can Tho University and interested businesses and individuals.

The first part of the program was fun performances from Grades 11B2 and 11D2 (High School Teacher Practice) and students from faculties of Can Tho University. Speaking at the opening, Mr. Tran Trung Tinh - Vice Rector of Can Tho University raised the value of technology in modern life, and at the same time, he also thanked the listeners who attended. as well as the organizers of the program opened a useful event for students and students at Can Tho University. Following the words, Mr. Pham Van Hanh - Director of The Dariu Foundation shared program and project information, equipping technology skills for students, gathering programming skills, introducing artificial intelligence. , ... He also added about the future of the project: “The future of technology life transforms the unpredictable future, the job is technologically saturated, shattering the socio-economic fields. and psychological life, the seminar program will equip students to adapt to the changes of digital technology…”

The seminar took place with two topics including: "Digital technology trends and Vietnam's future" presented by speaker Nguyen Tuyet Tram - Director of training and talent development for Vietnam Cluster at Schneider Electric Vietnam and topic: "Let's kick off your own journey" by speaker Ha Thi Tu Phuong - CEO of METUB Network. Chewing speakers gave students - students updated knowledge about the wave of technology and changes in the nature of jobs, equipped with knowledge about the future of jobs in digital technology, career orientation to students and the essential skills that a digital citizen needs.

In addition, the program also has games with valuable rewards and tea-break party with the organizers with cakes, milk tea, fruit,…

Through the presentation, everyone also understands the importance of digital technology, if knowing how to grasp and utilize will be a great advantage to develop their own capabilities further. Next is the Q&A session, exchange and share your own questions, thoughts and feelings with the organizers. We are honored to receive praise from two speakers for the best answers from a student of Teacher Practice High School.

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 Cantho University Elite High School - Can Tho University
Address: Campus II, 3/2 street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Tel:: 02923.734758 - 02923.734759