English: B2K9 class

After two challenging and difficult weeks for exams, the first semester ended. It’s time for everyone started a new semester with full of hope and wish.

Mr Minh - principal

Mr Ut - Secretary of Youth Union

With warm air of spring, we all sing aloud the anthem under nation flag. After ceremony, in front of all beloved students, with warm voice, the principal encouraged us, especially grade 10 enthusiastically. Although the result will make some of you sad and dissapointed, I hope all of you can gain some precious experience and hang it there to improve your result. For the 12th grade, semester has gone you should orient yoursefl to have a good job in the future. We need to focus on study more and have the best determination. Prinipal also reminds to all teachers and students about parking in front of shool gate. And then, he asked an interesting question: “why must students follow school rules?”. We also have a meaningful answer from student from class 12B2, it brings us a lot of lessons to learn!! What a smart answer!!

Entertainment section

After some nofications from Mr Ut about the Spring Soccer Festival, Mountain of Knowledge Contest and Safety Traffic Contest. We will have all of the information about it in fanpage soon!

Next we move on music!!!! We have two MC are Lamchi and Y Vy. B2K9 brings a mashup cover performed by Bao Khue, Anh Khoa and Samlo. Final, we have a modern dance with two songs Di hoc them and So qua co.

Dancing section

Overall, we give a big thanks to all of you and hope everyone have a good health, better study result and be happy everyday!!

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 Cantho University Elite High School - Can Tho University
Address: Campus II, 3/2 street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Tel:: 02923.734758 - 02923.734759