(Academic year: 2021 - 2024)

Written by Pham Minh Triet (D1K10)

Time passes quickly like the wind! So soon, we will have to close our beautiful high school years to move to a new horizon, with new dreams and ambitions. On behalf of the D1K10 team, I would like to send back to the Elite high school some memories of our beloved student days!

Different from the previous students, we K10 entered high school at a very special time. That day, the whole world fell into the Covid pandemic, our country implemented social distancing and our students could not go to school. The opening ceremony took place on a small screen. We studied online throughout the first semester of 10th grade. Luckily, in the second semester, the pandemic was over and we were able to meet, study, and learn. Live together and create beautiful memories!

Immense wide sea, long river

No one counts the days that have passed

There was a time when there was still you and me

Once lived under a loving roof

How fast time goes

Be appreciative of today's things!

I still remember everything vividly, it seems like it was just yesterday but why is it so memorable today? From being strangers, we gradually became inseparable. There are days when I come home late, I sit alone in the classroom and turn on a song to chill. Suddenly looking around, I felt extremely sad. How much time do we have left? In just a few months, the room filled with laughter will only be a memory. The same tables and chairs, the same white chalkboard, and the name 12D1, it's all still there, just without us - D1K10. So, right now while we can, let's care and spend more time with each other, study together and create many beautiful memories.

All fun will eventually end, no matter how much people love each other, there comes a time when they have to leave each other. That is the rule of life, whether we like it or not, we still have to learn to accept and smile with it. Someone once told me: "Appreciate every moment you are experiencing, smile at the person you are meeting, cherish what you have in your hands. Because who knows, there will be a day when we can only look back at the past and regret it." Indeed! We all have to grow up, have our own lives, and have difficulties and challenges to face. How many people still have enough time to remember the memories of their school days?, remember the friends who used to "side by side" in the chaos and frolics? But no matter what, I hope each member of D1K10 always remembers: "We - D1K10 have stuck together, always loved and helped each other and experienced beautiful memories together." 

Finally, on behalf of the D1K10 team, I would like to sincerely thank Ms. Yen, Mr. Luan and Mr. Kham for always loving, guiding and teaching us during the past three years of school. We would also like to send a deep gratitude to the other teachers, wishing them good health and success in life. We promise to study hard and get good results in the upcoming high school exam so as not to disappoint our teachers' trust and teaching gratitude.

The Elite highschool - This is home as well as a place of youth and springtime

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 Cantho University Elite High School - Can Tho University
Address: Campus II, 3/2 street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Tel:: 02923.734758 - 02923.734759